To ensure that all Henry County residents realize the value of our environment and its resources, the district provides a variety of educational activities, programs and services. These are provided for residents of Henry County for the annual fee of $12.00.
ReUse Center
Open to educators, home-schoolers, non-profits, churches, and local agencies. We stock unwanted, overstocked, or by-product materials from business, industry, and residents. We have hundreds of items including food-grade buckets, office supplies, craft supplies, egg cartons, glass jars, wrapping paper, and much more!! All items are free of charge!
Public Recycling
There are 7 recycling sites throughout Henry County.
- Lewisville – behind the fire station at 302 North Market Street.
- Middletown – behind Municipal Building. on Locust Street.
- Mooreland – behind former grocery store on corner of Mills Street & Cory Street
- New Castle – New Castle Transit Station 201 South 25th Street Hours Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm
- New Lisbon – beside Fire Department/Post Office on Wilbur Wright Road/500 South
- Mt. Summit – back of the Mt. Summit Park on the south side of lot/east of park, behind the old school building at School and Walnut Streets.
- Springport – lot across from Post Office on Main Street.
Electronic Recycling
We are able to collect electronics year around at the district office. *See list of what can be dropped off at 1121 Broad Street, New Castle, IN Hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
Used Household Battery Sites
There are 2 sites in Henry County to drop off used batteries. You may drop off AA, AAA, C, D & 9 volt batteries as well as battery packs for power tools ONLY at the following sites:
- Spiceland Town Hall – container sits on the front porch area facing east
- District Office– 1121 Broad Street, New Castle, IN – batteries must be brought inside the district office
Household Hazardous Waste Program
- Tox-Away Day (Please check our Events Page for the date and a list of acceptable items)
- We accept portable helium tanks and small propane canisters (camp stove type) at the district office.
- We ONLY accept small amounts of household chemicals at the district office on an EMERGENCY basis. You must call the office to make arrangements and will be asked to sign a form as well as provide proof of home ownership
Lightbulb recycling
- District Office– 1121 Broad Street, New Castle, IN – all CFL’s, Fluorescents and LED’s must be brought into the district office.
- Please bring to the Tox-Away Day (Please check our Events Page for the date and a list of acceptable items)
Environmental Education Programs for the Classroom and Events
- Recycled Journals
- Recycled Hats
- Incredible Edible Landfill
- Vermi-Composting
- Environmental Bingo
- Solar Ovens
- Clear Stream Recycling Container Loan-Out Program
- Tree Planting Program
Education Station: Environmental Education Resource Library for Educators
Materials (books, games, activities) available to Henry County Educators for the purpose of educating our youth on the following subjects: Principals of Recycling (the 3 r’s), Renewable and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, and the Identification and Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste, and more.
*Henry County SWMD partners with Healthy Communities for the Annual Tree Give-Away Program each year. Trees are purchased from the Indiana State Nursery. Henry County residents may contact the district office the first week in April. The tree give-away is handled on a First Come, First Served basis.